Monday, December 30, 2019

How to Make Sure Your Boss Knows How Hard You Work -The Muse

How to Make Sure Your Boss Knows How Hard You Work -The MuseHow to Make Sure Your Boss Knows How Hard You Work Signed a huge client? Check. Trained six new employees? Check. Hit your monthly sales quota in a week? Done and done.You might have a list of career accomplishments a mile long. But if youre the only one with access to that list- and no one else understands the extent of your contributions or the impact theyre having on the organization- youll be standing behind the door when the raises are handed out.Thats because when organizations assess talent and make decisions about raises, promotions, and plum projects, the people making the decisions are going through a mental highlight reel of your career- and what counts isnt necessarily what youve done its what they know about what youve done.So if youre watching others get the promotions, assignments, or recognition you believe you deserve, it might be because youre not making your accomplishments known. To make sure your manager and the rest of the organization is well aware of your contributions, here are five tips for getting leistungspunkt for your work.1. Keep Your Manager InformedMany of the clients I coach rarely speak with their managers. Sometimes, that avoidance stems from a strained employee-boss relationship others, because full calendars dont allow for easily coordinated conversations.No matter your reason, this is a major career oversight. You cant assume your manager knows what youre doing, the great progress youve made, or the obstacles youve overcome unless you make it your mission to provide that information.But if you wait until your annual review, most of your accomplishments will be old news. And, youll be competing to stand out among all the other reviews that are being conducted- and the co-workers who are pushing their own accomplishments.Your Go-To StrategyGet on your managers calendar bi-weekly (at least), and use that time to make sure he or she knows the status of each of your ma jor projects. Also highlight how youre leveraging relationships with other teams or colleagues and making him or her look good in the process (e.g., Jack in marketing was confused about the pricing strategy, so I brought him up to speed based on the guidance you laid out. Were both on track with the goals you set for margin).By having regular conversations, youll remind your manager of your value- and keep it in the front of his or her mind on an ongoing basis, instead of just once a year.2. Focus on Results, notlage Just Your ActivitiesAs a manager, I found that during regular update meetings with my employees, they tended to focus on a list of activities theyd completed throughout the week, from making phone calls to holding meetings to creating slide decks.However, while those types of activities are certainly necessary, and it probably feels good to validate the time and energy you spent on them, what your manager really wants to know is the impact those activities had on the or ganization.Your Go-To StrategyInstead of giving your manager a list of tasks youve accomplished, explain what those tasks mean in the bigger picture.So, rather than Last week I met with 10 of our suppliers on rebidding the widget production, and then I had a conference call with the team to share our progress.Try this I met with 10 suppliers last week. Three are seriously hungry for the business, and I suspect well be able to increase our projected savings by at least 5% based on those conversations. Thatll be worth $1.5 million in our groe nachfrage rate. Ill get you the final number once we wrap up negotiations.3. Get Social ProofWhen you do something awesome and your colleagues express appreciation, ask them to speak up on your behalf. (And if you work with customers, ask them to do the same. Managers love hearing from satisfied customers, and this is a great way to collect feedback on your performance)A brief note to your manager or team lead outlining how you helped get a desir ed result, overcome an obstacle, or move the project forward will generate visibility, reminding those higher-ups of your ability to achieve great things.Your Go-To StrategyWhen someone acknowledges your work, ask him or her to make it official Thanks for recognizing me in the project wrap-up meeting this morning. The results we got together were over the top. Would you be willing to send a note to my manager about my contributions to the project? She holds you in high regard, and it would be a tremendous professional validation coming from you.4. Get in Front of Decision MakersThe power of presenting your ideas and results well- and in front of the right audience- carries just as much sway in your career as actually doing the work When you have the opportunity to present, for example, to your boss boss, youll boost your visibility and, when done right, create a memorable impression. Soon, that manager will know your name, which will give you a boost when it comes to performance rev iews and special projects.So if youre offered the opportunity to present an update on your project, make a recommendation for a specific decision, or provide commentary on the impact of your work, go for it.Your Go-To StrategyFirst, identify one of your strongest projects- one that you feel confident talking about this will help you work from a stelle of strength. Then, tell your manager youd like the chance to present the progress of the project to higher-ups. Suggest it as a good opportunity for you to stretch your speaking abilities and learn how to present to upper-level managers.Then, work with your manager to make sure you know whats important to that audience and how to present information in the most effective way, so that the presentation showcases you as a confident, decision-capable up-and-comer. Assure your manager you want to make her look great in the process. Then, do so5. Take Your Stolen Ideas BackThere will undoubtedly be a time in your career when you run an idea by someone to get some feedback, and hell love it Hell love it so much, in fact, that hell turn around and present it as his own idea.This can be extremely frustrating, but you do have some options.Your Go-To StrategyNow, youre not going to interrupt the meeting where the topic is being discussed and say, Hey, that was my idea But you can present more details, numbers, and data to support your suggestion. In other words, take control of the conversation to direct the spotlight back to you.For example, say youre in a meeting and your co-worker, Gary, goes on and on about your idea of expanding in the nonprofit sector, as if he originated it. You can jump in and share the evidence that inspired you originally- which Gary doesnt have Yes, the numbers show that sector is projected to grow by 12% next year. Also, I talked with the logistics team a couple of weeks ago about this, and they are ready to build more capacity into the system. Competitors havent ventured out there yet, so well be ahead of the game.Boom. You now own it again. By supporting and expanding on the idea, its likely your original idea will emerge in bigger and better form- and youll end up with the credit.Yes, we all need to be good team players. The old adage Its amazing what can be accomplished when it doesnt matter who gets the credit is a powerfully true statement on how work is done in organizations.Also remember, however, that teams arent promoted individuals are. So, your mission is to be a great team player, but to have a firm grasp of the impact you made and smart strategies to share it with those who need to know.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How to Negotiate a Severance Package

How to Negotiate a Severance PackageHow to Negotiate a Severance PackageAs companies downsize, you may feel you are walking a tightrope at work. For every employee you see being laid off, you wonder if you might be next. Just getting called into the bosss office leads to thoughts of employment termination and getting a severance package. A severance package is defined as pay and benefits an employee can receive when her employment is terminated at a company or when she is forced to retire. Some items included in severance packages may include, but are not limited to Additional weeks of salary, sometimes based on your tenure at the employerPayment for unused vacation and sick daysA lump sum payment to account for lack of notice of employment terminationMedical or dental benefits or life insuranceRetirement or 401k benefitsStock optionsHelp to find a new job within or outside the company If you think your job may be in jeopardy, its wise to have a plan to properly negotiate aseverance package. Coming up with a Plan Ask yourself the following questions to come up with a severance package proposal that would be fair to both yourself and your employer. Have I been employed with the company for more than five, 10, or 20 years?What is my value to the company? If youre in a revenue-generating role, you should be able to put a number to your quarterly and annual contributions.If Im laid off, will they terminate my lage or hire someone for a lower pay rate?How long will it take me to get a new job in this economic climate within my industry? Next, take the answers you came up with and create a severance package proposal. For example, if youve been at the company for 18 years and have been an integral member of the management team, your value to the company is high. In this case, youve put your time in at the company and you may want to propose at least a year-long severance package that allows you to collect your salary during this time while you find a new job. F ormulating a Proposal Once you have an idea of how long it will take you to find a new job in the current economy, you can determine the length of time you need to collect severance pay. Some companies will pay you your full pay for a set period of time. Other severance packages will only allow for you to receive a percentage of your pay for a period of time. Some severance packages offer a lump sum of money when you leave a job. Obviously, its wise to ask for more weeks of severance pay rather than less. In some offices, you will be offered a particular type of severance package dictated by company policy. However, if you can document the reasons you deserve more financial cushion, you may be able to negotiate for a package with a longer length of time, or for full pay and benefits. Negotiating to Get the Best Severance Package If your employer proposes a severance package that is inferior to your proposal, take steps to negotiate a better deal. If your employer is offering fe wer weeks than you desire, ask if it can be changed. If the number of weeks is based on your years of employment with the company and cant be changed, then try to negotiate a substitute like additional weeks for paid benefits before you are forced to go on COBRA. Another negotiating tactic is to make it appealing for your employer to give you the best severance package available at the company. For example, if you offer to come back to do per diem, freelance or outside consulting work, where it will save the company money in the transitional period, this could help your case for a better severance package.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Professional Skills Essential For Workplace Success

Professional Skills Essential For Workplace SuccessProfessional Skills Essential For Workplace SuccessProfessionalism universalizes the language, ethics and behavior that working people share. While each workplace culture adapts the concept to meet the needs of its employees and the populations it serves, certain components are core. Its important to develop a personal code of professionalism that espouses these key elements.This helps you to check your own conduct and to evaluate what you see around you. Assessing others professionalism is important, especially if you are on the interview circuit. It provides vital clues about potential colleagues you meet and the workplace culture they represent. So what constitutes a good baseline of professionalism? How do you get it, and how do you exhibit it? Word Choice Matters Using flip or crude language with colleagues, customers or patients can make you look immature and unprofessional. Sometimes we make assumptions such as, people will th ink I am leveling with them or being upfront or honest with them if I use the kind of language that I would use with my inner circle. Over time you may develop a close relationship with your contemporaries. Perhaps as you spend more time with them you will learn that you can be more relaxed in your word choice. But that has to be developed, never assumed. If you should forge a relationship that fosters less-than-professional language, proceed with caution, especially with clients, customers or patients. Also, refrain from using inappropriate language in written correspondence. Keep in mind that in many fields this will never be appropriate.Inclusivity is also important when it comes to word choice. Many businesses have taken leadership roles in their inclusivity practices because they do not want to alienate their clients, customers or patients. A good rule of thumb for inclusivity is to imagine people sitting in the audience for whom you are writing or speaking. Picture them. Some are men. Some are women. Some are young professionals. Some are seasoned. Some are able-bodied. Some are not. Some have wealth. Some do not. And so on and so forth. Imagine individual people and craft a message that makes those people feel like you are talking to them. Because you are. Good writing and speaking involves anticipating your audiences needs, and professional-quality communication needs to be inclusive. Be Dependable Even if a professional culture is laid back in other ways, submitting quality work on time is always key. In the same way, promptly responding to messages is always important. In buchen to be professional, you have to be reliable. In my experience, the same goes for being on time for work and for meetings. Some workplaces have more lax mores. But many professionals agree that sitting in a meeting room and waiting for others to materialize is frustrating. While sometimes this is unavoidable if another meeting runs long, always be sensitive to those who may be waiting on you. Interfering with others productivity is unprofessional. Dont Choose Drama Workplace drama is a waste of time. Ive often thought this may be why some people pursue it. Life is easier without drama, so go down that road. When someone tries to ensnare you in his or her drama, ask yourselfdo I really need to attach myself to this? Try to remove emotion from the situation and look at it as a logical puzzle and aim to find the simplest, most straightforward solution. Anger is schwierigkeitatic. Dont trust it to inform your decisions about something as important as work. Keep in mind that your boss doesnt want to deal with drama. He or she doesnt want to take sides or sit through some long story about what happened and who said what. He or she just wants to be done with this. Your boss will be impressed with the person who shows maturity and simplifies this situation. Show your skills as a professional and a problem solver. The key to professionalism is to remember that yo u are at work where part of your job is to be your most polished and presentable self. Continue to demand that of yourself, and you will continue to grow as a professional.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

These are some amazing companies that let you work from home

These are some amazing companies that let you work from homeThese are some amazing companies that let you work from homeSome of the worlds most recognizable companies are stepping up their game in terms of remote work.According to recent reports, Apple posted job listings for mora than 60 At Home managers and advisorsto help customers out, and Disney is seekingwork-from-home customer service representatives called Guest Service Representatives in various states.Working from home isnt just more convenient - it may also be more profitable for some.Here are other companies thatlet you get work done from home, and some of the things you could expect as parte of their teams.AppenThis internationalspeech and search technology services company claimed the top spot on the 100 Top Companies with Remote Jobs in 2017 list by FlexJobsandreportedly has the capacity to work in more than 150 languages.The company is currently hiring for positions called Social Media Evaluator, Crowdsourcing, Web S earch Evaluator, andmore in various countries.Its worth noting that as a work from home contractor, the company will not provide benefits.LiveOpsThis companycame in second distribution policy on the FlexJobs list this year.According to FlexJobs, it has linked more than 20,000 independent call center agents with businesses all over the globe and has handled more than 100 million requestsas a marketplace for call center workers.As part of the LiveOps team, employees need to have a work-friendly place to work with their own tools (a headset, phone with a cord, a computer, and more), and theyre considered an independent contractor.The companys website says that while some agents clock in a couple hours weekly or a few times monthly to make money on simpler calls, others are true entrepreneurs who dive in and build their own business, choosing clients and brands they are passionate about and seeking opportunities to expand their skills.AmazonThe industry giant came in third place on the FlexJobs list this year.Back in April, the company announced that it would be making more than 5,000 additional part-time, work from home positions in the next year for the Virtual Customer Service program.Employees in the program working remotely who clock in 20 hours weekly or more get benefits, like having 95% of their tuition paid for in advance through the Career Choiceprogram for classes connected to in-demand fields,regardless of whether those skills are relevant to jobs at Amazon.Tom Weiland, Amazon Vice President for Worldwide Customer Service,commented in a statement,drawing attention to the idea that military spouses have been participating in the Virtual Customer Service program.TheApril press release also states that this initiative is linked to Amazons goal to fill more than 30,000 part-time jobs next year, in addition to the more than 100,000 full-time jobs with total benefits that its creating in the U.S. in the next 18 months.TeleTechThis company came in fourth plac e on the FlexJobs list this year and provides consulting and customer service assistance to consumers.According to FlexJobs, the outsourcing companys workforce is made up of more than 40,000 employees and almost 20,000 home-based telecommuting associates globally who are part of its TeleTechHome program.As part of the TeleTechHome program, associates need a home phone and Internet, and the job includes helping consumers online on social media, via chat, and on calls.The company has previously sought to fill positions called work-from-home customer care associate, process improvement consultant, and technical support representative, according to a TeleTech press release. Check out the job listings here.With Apple and Disney heeding the call to work from home,the benefits of working at companies like these are pushedfurther into the forefront.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

10 Best Paid Youtubers

10 Best Paid Youtubers10 Best Paid YoutubersYoutube world is full of money. Have you ever wondered how much do the best youtubers earn? Do you subscribe to anyone of them? We bring you the list of best paid youtubers of 2014.10. TobyGames/TobyTurner/TobuscusYoutube Screenshot$226,000-$2.18 mio estimated yearly income across all three channels after YouTubes 45% cut.13.96 mio total subscribers.2.87 billion total views.Toby Joseph Turner (born March 3, 1985) is an american comedian, vloger and gamer born in Mississippi. He started in a horror movie Smiley and appeared in Cartoon Networks as well.9. BFvsGF/PrankvsPrank$223,000-$2.26 mio estimated yearly income across both accounts after YouTubes45% cut.7.70 million total subscribers.1.31 billion total views.These youtube channels were created by Jesse Wellens (born September 25, 1982) and Jeana Smith (born March 15, 1983) in 2007. They are basically planning pranks on each other and sharing it with millions of their fans.8. TheWillyRex/ WillyRex$231,000-$2.31 million estimated yearly income across both accounts after YouTubes 45% cut.6.95 million total subscribers.1.03 billion total views.Guillermo Daz is a spanish video game player, who is famous mostly for his Minecraft gameplay.7. TheFineBros$239,000-$2.41 million estimated yearly income after YouTubes 45% cut.7.85 million total subscribers.1.41 billion total views.FinesBros are Benny Fine (born March 19, 1982) and Rafi Fine (born June 9, 1984). These bros are famous mainly for their react videos such as Kids React, Teens React, Elders React YouTubers React. This creative concept shows reactions of different groups of people on interesting popular products such as video games, movies or even other youtubers.6. Vegetta777$257,000-$2.59 million estimated yearly income after YouTubes 45% cut.4.46 million total subscribers.552 million total views.Samuel de Luque (born April 12, 1989) is a spanish gamer famous for playing Minecraft, Battlefield, Saints Row and sever al other games. His fans are mainly from Spain and South America.5. SkyDoesMinecraft$293,000-$2.92 million estimated yearly income after YouTubes 45% cut.8.99 million total subscribers.1.66 billion total views.Adam Dahlberg (born on January 17, 1993) was once part of a famous Minecraft team, which brought him popularity. We can say by this list, that Minecraft is such a huge sensation for millions of people4. Smosh$448,000-$4.50 million estimated yearly income after YouTubes 45% cut.27.71 million total subscribers.4.6 billion total views.Smosh is consisting of Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox. They started in 2005 as a couple of comedians. This channels consists funny videos based on Pokmon, Mortal Combat or Power Rangers. There is a Smosh gaming channel as well, where Anthony, Ian and their team play the hottest new video games.3. DisneyCollectorBR$505,000-$5.06 million estimated yearly income after YouTubes 45% cut.1.05 million total subscribers.1.51 billion total views.No one knows who this woman is, or what she looks like. We only know, that she is from Brazil. She unboxes and reviews Disney toys.2. BluCollection$660,000-$6.38 million estimated yearly income after YouTubes 45% cut.628,000 total subscribers.1.38 billion total views.Chanell similar to DisneyCollectorBR which is dedicated to unboxing, reviewing and playing with toys.1. PewDiePie$825,000-$8.47 million estimated yearly income after YouTubes 45% cut.23.9 million total subscribers.3.69 billion total views.Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg (born October 24, 1989) is a Swedish gamer, who caught hearts of millions bros. Hes became famous for playing horror video games while reacting madly. Right now he is focused mostly on indie or low budget games, vlogs and funny photoshop challenges.source,Youtube.wikia.comDo you like this story? Share it with your friends.Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments

Friday, December 6, 2019

Unusual Article Uncovers the Deceptive Practices of My Perfect Resume Login

Unusual Article Uncovers the Deceptive Practices of My Perfect Resume Login The Benefits of My Perfect Resume Login Matching your very best qualities with your employment is a critical point in work search. Listed below are a few of the benefits and disadvantages of chronological resume. The font may be used for flexibility of any sort of addition and subtractions. Even though the style of resume is popular in the work market, there are specific disadvantages which cant be ignored. The functional resume format will allow you to show the prospective employer how you may do the work though you might lack formal experience. While resume templates might be simple to follow along with the template presented may not be best suited for your distinct employment background. If you are planning to create a resume using a basic resume template, here are helpful methods for you to be guided. Most bland internet templates incorporate an interests section because they may be quite helpf ul to school leavers and early careers, and templates must be applicable to a lot of unique readers and job seekers. Most job seekers dont know how to compose an effective cover letter. Youve got to keep in mind that no matter the degree of the job, a resume is whats going to get you in the door. A resume is a document which is being created by someone during her or his job application. You dont need to resort to lying to win work. Including useless experiences will merely boost the duration of your curriculum vitae and will produce a terrible influence on the reader as youve got nothing worthwhile to mention. You should also have them know that you want to move forward in the application procedure. Some resumes dont have a typical format throughout. All the expert resumes share various characteristics. On the reverse side, however, a resume possessing font thats too large may convey that the person writing is attempting to stretch out or exaggerate limited abilities, li mited expertise, or a limited quantity of computer ink. In seriousness it is dependent on what kind of job that youre applying for. You will never know when you could hear about a chance to work at your fantasy job. Say why you need to be thought of as the ideal person for the job. Lets look at the most suitable means to have written the previous sample. With the questions that youve answered, there is not anything left then to fit them in the components weve discussed earlier. All you have to do is follow some basic measures. Double check to ensure that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. The sorts of questions asked usually be based on the relationship youve got with your reference. Whether you opt to stick to the trend, or stick with convention is all up to you. To be able to type up a good resume you first need to understand the fundamental components a resume is composed of. You also receive a feeling of what information you dont have to includ e. In the event you should think of your professional career for a movie, your resume would function as the preview. 1 page resumes will actually damage your interview chance. The sections of a CV may incorporate the following, even though sections can be moved up or down based on what information is relevant for the particular job. Including a potent summary section at the peak of your resume is the very best approach to receive your next boss excited to meet you and would like to call you in for an interview. A basic resume is also less difficult to read. A resume usually presents personal background info, skills, along with accomplishments. Highlighting the last employment record will demonstrate the responsibilities an individual previously held and the length of time they usually maintains a job. There are essentially 3 styles of resumes. The Nuiances of My Perfect Resume Login Many job seekers attempt to pass off periods of unemployment by claiming that they starte d their own company, which might or may not truly be true. New jobs can help ex felons to develop into a region of the society. Seasoned workers that are changing careers face a similar circumstance. While it might be accepted practice in some countries for job seekers to include such info in their application, it isnt accepted practice in some nations such as Canada, US and the united kingdom. Employers will find a balance of interests. Every resumes aim is to endorse the personal experience and capabilities, that is the reason you should highlight your vast understanding of a specific field if you lack some work experiences or if you wish to enrich your mastery. A job may be an experience building stepping stone if you already know what sort of career you want to make in future. The perfect way to enter a decent educational organization is to construct an impressive teacher resume.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

4 Ways to Hire the Best Graduate - Spark Hire

4 Ways to Hire the Best Graduate - Spark HireInspiring Interns have placed over 5,000 graduates in graduate jobs with the countrys leading geschftslebenes. The relationship between graduate and company is mutually beneficial, providing graduates with valuable experience and companies with highly motivated, valuable employees.In todays super-competitive climate, it is essential to attract the best employees possible but finding the right person can be difficult. Graduate internships are a great way for employers to try before they buy and for graduates to learn new skills, improve their CV, and gain experience in the business world. Before the InterviewMake sure you really understand what youre looking for in a graduate. If you didnt write the job spec, have a meeting with the person who did so that you can get a thorough understanding of what kind of personality, skills, past experience and passions suit the role best now and what the role will become if they go permanent.What to Fo cus On in the InterviewPersonalityIts easier to teach skills than to try to change personality to suit the role. Through the way they present themselves, converse with you, and respond to questions youll be able to tell if theyre the right personality for the role.Experience and QualificationsIn order to hire the best graduate, finding someone with the right experience and qualifications is key, but when hiring an intern it is less essential. Interns love to learn, and want experience. Be open to hiring someone with the right attitude, even if their degree is unrelated to your industry. For example, a History student recently came to us, we organised and interview at Macquarie Bank for her, where she is now interning on a 35,000 salary.Compatibility with Company CultureWill this candidate would work well with your current employees? Does he/she have the right values, attitude, and work ethic to complement and add to your company culture?Soft SkillsSoft skills and social intelligence are very valuable. Look for the ability to navigate social situations, work well with others, communicate effectively, develop interpersonal skills, thought processes and emotional intelligence. If an intern has this, it is a huge asset to your organisation.Useful Questions to AskIn addition to the specific questions you have prepared for the role, we recommend asking these.Who are you going to be ten years from today?Why do you work?What makes you get up in the morning and do what you do?Their answers show the candidates drive and ambition, which helps you understand whether or not they will grow with your business.Check out 4 more interview questions to ask internsLet Them Interview YouA candidates questions illustrates their values, priorities, and how well they understand everything youve discussed so far. Give them time to interview you so you have more information to evaluate them on.If you are interested in hiring an intern, follow the link to view Inspiring Interns best can didates.About the AuthorBen Rosen founded Inspiring Interns in 2009, and later that year partnered with the charity E-AC, working to support deprived children to improve their educational opportunities. Inspiring Interns is a graduate recruitment agency connecting talented graduates with top companies and start-up businesses in the UK. They specialise in sourcing graduate jobs and paid internships (going permanent), and have kick-started the careers of over 5,000 young people since 2009.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Five Steps to Volunteer Your Way to a Job

Five Steps to Volunteer Your Way to a JobFive Steps to Volunteer Your Way to a JobIf youre not sure where to start, follow this guide to landing a volunteer position as a part of your job-search strategy.Industry experts and job hunters who have successfully parlayed volunteerism into paying jobs provided the following advice.Use your network to find open volunteer positions. That will get you into an organization faster. Jane, a job hunter who turned a volunteer job with the MSPCA into a paying job with a Web site focused on animal welfareDetermine whether the volunteer opportunity matches your availability horizon, both so you can achieve success and so you dont leave the non profit in the lurch. Robert J. Rosenthal, Volunteer Match director of communicationsIf you are able to secure a position where youre actually doing a job thats in line with your skill set, then you can absolutely list that on your resume as a position youve held. Disclose that you were a volunteer, but list al l of the duties and responsibilities that you had, as well as any significant responsibilities. Rahul D. Yodh, executive recruiter with Link Legal Search GroupJoin a professional organization or a chamber of commerce within your region. These organizations are already in the business of helping each other, and theres always a need for fresh blood. Professional organizations are a fantastic place to network and work. Its great exposure on many levels. Nate Towne, who found his position as a public- relations counselor at the Hiebing ad agency by performing volunteer work for an industry professional organizationTreat an extended volunteer job like any other job on your resume, provided it is related to your profession and can demonstrate what you accomplished at the charity. Stephen groraumlimousine Vreede and Steve Burdan, both certified professional resume writers who work with Ladders

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Recruiters Ignore Age 50+ Jobseekers Who Do This

Recruiters Ignore Age 50+ Jobseekers Who Do ThisRecruiters Ignore Age 50+ Jobseekers Who Do ThisINBOX Ive applied to over 100 job listings, but have only heard anything from 2 recruiters in all this time. I didnt get very far with either of them, and Im not seeing what the problem is, especially since I met every qualification listed in both ads.Landing a new job requires that the recruiters and decision makers see what you see. You know in your mind you can do the job because you have 18 years of experience, including that exact job title in your history, including those exact duties. But people can only read your resume they cant read your mind.Similarly, people only hear what you actuallysay in the conversation, not what you meant to say, and not all the thoughtsyou had swirling around in your head. Your job when youre looking for a job is to communicate what the recruiter or employer needs to hear. Youll get passed over quickly if youre not speaking their language, speaking to t he core of their business problem, or offering a theory about what needs to happen that will benefit their business.Make Sure To Tell The Right StoryYou know the question is coming, so map out the answer ahead of time to, What do you do? (Pro tip the answer is not a personal history lesson about you, delivered by way of boring monologue.) The answer centers on the results you deliver, and who you deliver them for. Commit a short, clear, natural-sounding answer to memory, then massage the language to respond to several different types of opening questions that will come your way.Adjusting your core response is key here. Whatdo you do thats relevant to the person (recruiter, decision maker, interviewer,business contact) whos asking the question. If youre in an interview scenario,adjust your answer so that it dovetails with the central responsibilitypresented in the job description. Go so far as to use the actual words in thejob description, because they will sound familiar to the pers on listening toyou, and youre likely to deliver a significantly stronger impression.Dial Up Your Self-AwarenessWhat is the ad calling on a person to actually come in and do? Your dialogue isnt 100% about what you have done, can do, or want to do. Dial some of that down, and demonstrate awareness of what the decision maker wants. Your leadership skills may be top-notch, and you may have plenty of stories about that, but if the position is an individual contributor role, select stories that have to do with your contribution as an individual contributor.This self-awareness will also help you to not repeatedly hear that youre overqualified. Literally, dont feed into that. Dont hand them all the evidence they need in buchen to say to themselves, This gal is offering way more than what we need right now, and shes going to expect to be paid for all of that.Pull Something Out Of Your Back PocketYou know who doesnt get ignored? The person who brings something a little extra to the table. The good news is this is 101% within your control. What did you learn about the organization in social media or Google News? Zoom in on whats happening today, or whats coming down the pike. Develop a theory ahead of time and offer it up in your written communications and ultimate discussions.Dont just be a jobseeker who looks like the other 1,000 jobseekers. Be the person who articulated some insights about the direction it looks like the organization is headed, and how youve dealt with a scenario like that with strong success.Jobseekers over age 50 are getting hired week in and week out, so if youre struggling, find out what they did in the 5 Secrets Smart Jobseekers Age 50+ Know That Make The Job Search EASY You have to have the right language when facing the GenX HR person, and you have to come quick with the right answer when they ask, What makes you think youre qualified for this job. Learn what to do so you can land the job you want and deserve.

4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Leave a Good Job- The Muse

4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Leave a Good Job- The Muse 4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Leave a Good Job- The Muse Even if you like your job, it’s pretty normal to question if you’d be better off somewhere else. Keeping an eye and ear open for new opportunities isn’t a sign of disloyalty. In fact, you might find that looking around only confirms that you’re in exactly the right role. Here’s a secret: The people who make the best career moves aren’t jumping ship simply for a bigger paycheck or to avoid one annoying co-worker. They’re forward-thinking, goal-oriented, and thinking holistically about how this change will impact their career. So, if you’re unsure if you’re leaving your current position for the right reasons, ask yourself these four questions: 1. Will You Be Better Able to Achieve Your Goals? Maybe you’ve always wanted to pursue a particular avenue in your career. Or maybe, you’ve recently found a passion you want to dig into at your day job. If your goal is to eat, sleep, and breathe content, and there are all of zero writing opportunities in your current role, it makes sense that you’d want to go somewhere where that’ll be a bigger part of your job. But, if that’s what you want in a new job, it has to be your priority. You’ll want this new role to solve the professional frustration you’re experiencing (and not just be the same problem in different wrapping) or help you meet that new goal. One great way to assess how your new role fits into the larger career picture is to find out what happened to the last person who held the job. This information can tell you a lot: If the company isn’t forthcoming with it, that’s a red flag. However, if the person got promoted within the organization or moved on to do the kind of work you’re dreaming of down the road, it’s a good sign that this is a positive stepping stone. 2. Does the New Job Give You the Chance to Expand Your Skill Set the Way You Want? If this new role empowers you to learn things you’d otherwise be spending your free time reading about, that’s a great sign. The old adage, “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life” may be cliché, but that doesn’t make it irrelevant. Late nights will be a lot more palatable if you’re learning things that you feel are valuable- and interesting. So, ask yourself: Would you seek out the information you’re learning in this new job even if you weren’t being paid for it? And if it isn’t something you’d otherwise be studying on a Sunday? Then ask yourself if it’ll help you reach your overall career goals. (Because of all the reasons I’ve already mentioned.) 3. Will You Have a Greater Sphere of Influence? Most people are motivated by the opportunity to inspire meaningful, positive change through their work. There are few things as defeating for career-minded, goal-focused people than feeling ineffective. In a study where participants were asked to build consecutive sets of Legos for less and less money, one group’s previous creations were saved until the end of the experiment, and the other group’s were broken apart as soon as they were completed. Even though each group was being compensated the same way, the group that had its work preserved built more models. The lesson is: We like knowing our work means something- even in the short term. So, seriously consider a new job that will allow you to have a greater impact. 4. Are You Excited About the People You’ll Be Working With? Culture is a bit of a buzzword these days. It may be trendy, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t important. To succeed in a role in which you’ll work closely with multiple team members, you absolutely must get along with the people. That doesn’t mean you always agree- there are even times when you shouldn’t. Rather, your team members should be people you’d seek out and connect with regardless of you taking the job. They should both challenge and inspire you to think differently and expand your methods. So, ask to meet more people than just the hiring manager. Remember, it’s a recruiter’s job to lure you in with the best aspects of the job. Those traits may be legitimate, but you need the whole picture to make a solid decision. Pay close attention to the atmosphere, character, and situations you encounter. Just because you like your job doesn’t mean you can’t start thinking about the next step. And that goes both ways, just because you’re ready for the next step doesn’t mean you should jump right into it. Any new opportunity worth considering should offer an improvement in all areas: creative freedom, personal growth, career trajectory, and your personal network. Make sure your next move is a thoughtful one by asking the right questions and doing some honest self-examination. Photo of woman walking courtesy of Shutterstock.