Sunday, May 10, 2020

Tricks to Landing a Job Before It Goes Public

Tricks to Landing a Job Before It Goes Public 14 Flares 14 Flares Going up against potentially hundreds of other candidates for a single position can often be a sobering process for any job seeker. Constant rejections and length interviews can sometimes mean that your face becomes just another in the pile. On these occasions, you need to stand out from the crowd with more than just a slick resume; it may mean that you have to get clever about seeking the position of your dreams. You have to be proactive and intuitive to get in there before anyone else has a chance.   Source: wikipedia Indeed, there are some tricks that job searchers can utilise in order to try and get themselves to the front of the queue for new positions. Read on for five ideas to use so you can get your foot in the door of your dream job before an ad is posted. Networking Networking, either in person or through outlets such as LinkedIn, can be another great way to find out about jobs before they are made public. Contact people in the companies you want to work for and ask them about how you can get your foot in the door. It’s amazing how many job opportunities can open up to you that otherwise might have been advertised instead. Simply put, if they know your face and know you are looking for a position, they may remember you when a position comes up. Indeed, the more people you know (and who know you and your skills and experience) the better your chances will be of hearing about a new role early on. Attend industry or networking events; build relationships; or catch up with alumni from your university or past workplaces to stay up-to-date with new job openings. Recruiters Just as networking with specific businesses can help you find your dream job, so too can networking with an industry recruiter. Often recruiters such as Robert Half have the inside scoop on possible new job openings before they are advertised. Take the time to approach recruiters who specialise in your industry and let them know who you are, what your skills and experience are, and what role you’re hoping to get. You can even mention some of the companies you’d most love to work for. Recruitment firms speak to new and existing clients on a daily basis and if they can place an ideal candidate early on, there might never even be a need to advertise the position at all. Be polite and respectful of a recruiter’s time and you never know what opportunities might be presented to you. Internships and volunteer work It’s often a good idea to volunteer your time or participate in an internship at companies that you’d love to work for. This is a clever way to get an intimate perspective on what the company is like behind closed doors. It also gives you a practical advantage over other potential candidates as you will have the chance to impress hiring managers or owners during your time there. The very fact that you have worked at the company in some capacity and have an idea of the way it runs will stand you in good stead when jobs open up. Indeed, many interns make the leap to full-time employment simply because they have learnt the companies systems and have excelled in the day-to-day working environment. Make sure to keep in touch with your contacts from the business even after your volunteering time finishes, as you never know when a new position will open up. Referrals Referrals are another great way to find out about jobs before they are made public. When searching for a new role, ensure that you let all of your family and friends know that you are looking, and give them an idea of the kind of role you’d like and a rundown of your skills and experience. Many people like to refer those they trust and admire as a way of helping others, and you never know what opportunities might come your way as a result. Furthermore, many companies may not be proactively looking for new hires but if they come across a potential employee who impresses them, they might accelerate their hiring timeline or even find a role to suit. Be proactive It never hurts to be proactive when it comes to a job search, so time spent studying businesses in your industry and the skills they look for can help you to jump the job queue. Even if a company does not have current vacancies it can still be worthwhile submitting a quality resume â€" that way, if a place does open up and hiring managers look through already-submitted applications, you have a better chance of being noticed early on. Find a way to submit an application or to introduce yourself to HR staff at your ideal employer as soon as possible. Use the information you’ve learnt about the business to submit a  resume that really suits the firm and its company culture.

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